Bicycle Watchdog Home Page  
Bicycle Watchdog Hounding authorities to make your ride safer!
No one could make a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little. - Edmund Burke


Share the Road License Plates available NOW!  $28 from each plate goes to Bicycle Advocacy. Click here to find out how to order yours!


About Bicycle Watchdog

This website is the brainchild of Rebecca Slivka, a native-born Seattleite who has a passion for bicycling. She has long been frustrated by poor design and lack of maintenance on many streets and bike facilities in the Seattle area. Her hope is that by creating a public forum for reporting problems, this will encourage local and state governments to do a better job at creating and maintaining infrastructure that is better, safer, and more welcoming for bicyclists and other road users.

This website is a work in progress. We welcome your comments and suggestions (use our Contact Page to send us a message). Note: we are currently focused exclusively on Washington State, however the program could be expanded in the future.

To Do list:

  • Add rotating "Featured Hazard" to home page.
  • Update browse/item display to show "how long has this been going on" counter/clock.
  • Change browse hazard to allow searching and sorting (by priority, by how long)
  • Enable true "browse" so can go from one Hazard Report to the next without going back to the "Browse" page

Recent Changes:

  • Changed Success Stories page to display hazards in order they were fixed (most recent shown first).
  • Added Best Practices page
  • Use Google Maps to display hazards (instead of just browsing a list): Map View of Hazard Database
  • Show map of hazard on detail page
  • Enable browse hazard to sort by City/County
  • Change browse pages to only show Active Hazards (newly entered Hazards are pending until reviewed)

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© 2005 - 2024 Rebecca Slivka, All Rights Reserved
Website design and implementation by Slivka Consulting
[release 1.5]