Bicycle Watchdog Home Page  
Bicycle Watchdog Hounding authorities to make your ride safer!
I love the bicycle. I always have. I can think of no sincere, decent human being, male or female, young or old, saintly or sinful, who can resist the bicycle. - William Saroyan


Share the Road License Plates available NOW!  $28 from each plate goes to Bicycle Advocacy. Click here to find out how to order yours!


Contact Bicycle Watchdog

Please use this form to send comments or suggestions to us at Bicycle Watchdog.

Please DO NOT use this form to report hazards--that is what the Report a Hazard page is for! Thanks.

Your name and Contact info:
Preferred Contact method: Phone Email Either
Who am I: Bicyclist Advocate Transportation Professional
*I am a human: I want to ride my [the TYPE of VEHICLE we advocate for]

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